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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Butterfly Party - 2 years

The first activity was to colour simple butterfly pictures to take home. When the colouring was done, each child got a sprinkling of sparkly butterfly stickers on their cheeks and hands. They were very proud of these!
Then it was off to find as many butterfly sweets hidden in the garden as they could. When they were done, the kids were rewarded with their very own butterfly antenna (alice bands with pipe-cleaner feelers). Then it was time for an interactive story. I took a large appliance box, painted it white and created a canvas for a story on it. The story started with a big tree on one side, and I proceeded to tell an adapted version of the Very Hungry Caterpillar. As the story went, the box showed pictures of different things that the caterpillar ate on his way around the garden. Each picture had a special little door that opened to reveal a sweet, a block of cheese,
a lolly pop - anything edible I could attach in the space behind the door. The kids each took turns to open a door and retrieve the treat behind it. The story ended with the caterpillar turning into a butterfly, at which point, from inside the box, we brought out a pair of butterfly wings for each little guest - they had turned into butterflies too!


Sprinkle said...

Mind if I try that cake? And what did you do with the boys at the party?

www.kidspartydirectory.co.za said...

The cake is fairly straight-forward - cut a circle cake in half from the 12 o' clock to 6 o' clock positions. Then cut from the center through to 4 o'clock and from the center through to 8 o' clock. Turn all the pieces so that there rounded edges are facing inwards towards one another, and arrange as butterfly wings. Decorate brightly.
The boy at this party was given bat wings and participated in all the activities as organised.
Good luck with your party!

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